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Our primary mission is to raise funds for the benefits of the school and its students. You can make donations below any time. Or read on to learn more about our recent events and how your generosity contributes to the school life of our children.

Recent Fundraisers

What happens with donations?

We'll post updates here of key contributions Friends make on your behalf to the school. We also share more detailed updates and discuss ideas in the Payments & Finances group of our Friends Community on WhatsApp - do join us there!


We also have some costs associated with running Friends or events. That includes the cost of processing payments, promoting events, materials for stalls, and so on. We only spend money on that if it makes it easier for us to raise more funds and run Friends effectively. Nobody is paid any salary or fees. If you want to read up a little more on that topic here, please check out our Financial Policies.


£ 340 for new IT in the Great Hall

A new laptop and CD player is replacing the museum setup in the Great Hall! This more reliable and speedy setup helps students and teachers to share presentations and run performances more smoothly again. 💻 💿



Cherry Hinton Primary School

High Street
Cherry Hinton



Company Number 15633279

© Friends 2024

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