Who we are
The "Ltd." in Friends of Cherry Hinton Primary School Ltd. stands for "Limited (by liabilities)". It means Friends operates as company, independent of Cherry Hinton Primary School. Unlike most companies who have shareholders and payouts profits to them, Friends has no shareholders and does not belong to any one person. Instead, we invest all profits for the benefit of the school and its students exclusively.
Friends are run by parents as volunteers, led by two company directors (currently Chez Taplin-Olson and Sikander Hauser). Our organisation relies on networks of helpers, mostly other parents. We also use technology and third party services because it makes life easier for everyone. It also helps us to maximise the impact we can bring.
We prioritise simplicity for volunteers, so that we don't take too much valuable time. We get it, we're busy people too and if there's an easier, faster or better way to do something then that's exactly the kind of improvement we'll adopt. Read on to see what we do and how you might be able to help Friends to support our local community to benefit the school and its students, our children.
What do we do
From our Beachwear Day and Christmas Fair to Cinema Friday or making used uniforms available to other parents. There's a lot happening each term! We've recently adapted new processes and technology to make this very easy for everyone, and to take up far less time for people involved in the planning, organising or on the day. It's a fun way to give back and help our children make delightful lifetime memories while also raising funds for the school and its students. Please join our Community (on WhatsApp) or get in touch to learn more!
Class Reps
We have an amazing connection with some years, some less so, and others none at all. We rely on representatives from all year groups who help us better engage with parents to keep them updated and involved. That's especially key for the new school year 2024/25 where we have some exciting ideas for each year! Please join our Community (on WhatsApp) or get in touch to help us better communicate with your school year!
Making Friends
Join us
Do you have an idea you'd like to see happen or want to help? Or maybe you'd like to connect with other parents? Please join our Community (on WhatsApp) or get in touch below if you'd like to join other parents, exchange ideas about our school events, and help shape Friends with us.